Overview of knitting and socks in ancient Egypt (40 min talk)
Museum tour (15 minutes)
Introduction to carding, spinning and knitting technique (45 mins)
Saturday 28th November (Public drop in) 11.30 – 1.30pm
Today we go spinning – using wool carded at the last session as well as some of the pre-carded wool. We will try out two methods – rolling along the thigh and free spinning. There will be a brief introductory session to recap on 31 October!
Saturday 30th January (Public drop in) 11.30 – 1.30pm
This session sees us examine the socks more closely and start knitting. We will concentrate on knitting ‘in the round’ to get the sock shape and create a practice piece, before moving onto make rectangular pieces and start the sock if we are ready.
Saturday 27th February (Public drop in) 11.30 – 1.30pm
This session sees us examine the socks more closely and carry on knitting. We will re-cap on knitting ‘in the round’ to get the sock shape and making the rectangular pieces and then start / continue the sock.
Saturday 27th March (Public drop in) 11.30 – 1.30pm
The launch of the finalised sock patterns and a presentation of the project. We will compare the original Coptic socks with those produced by the participants.

Book the 31 October 2009 session with Debbie Challis / d.challis@ucl.ac.uk. All the rest are drop in!
I very much enjoyed the first public day but unfortunately I will not be able to attend this Saturday. However, I have been practicing my carding (not very sucessfully as I shrank my fleece) and my spinning which has gone surprizingly well. All my samples are now residing in the freezer so I can safely bring them along next time. I am enjoying following the blog and look forward to seeing you next time.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Logan